Increase the female presence in the digital world, the main objective of the EU
Increase the female presence in the digital world, the main objective of the EU
55.7% of graduates are women, but only reach 13% of workers in the digital sector
Women graduate more than men, but they are only one in five graduates in technological subjects. The European Commission wants to promote the study of these careers among women and break down some stereotypes that prevent those with technological studies from making a career in the digital sector.
The problem that there is no representation of women in the digital and technological worldIt is particularly serious, because everything is already digital. 75% of future jobs require digital training, but if everything is designed by men, there will be little diversity in the future, "says Lorena Boix. The Head of Policy Implementation and Planning at the Directorate General Connect of the Commission of Digital Economy and Society in Europe, ensures that the main priority of the Commissioner of these issues, Mariya Gabriel is to increase the female presence, especially in this digital sector and even above cybersecurity.
According to the second edition of the study 'Woman in the Digital Age', conducted by the Spanish Carlota Tar�n, women graduated in Europe account for 55.7% of the total, but in those studies related to the technological field are only 24.9 % . The data is even more striking if we look at the percentage of women working in this digital sector: 13%.
This report also highlights the fact that having higher education improves the employability of men in the digital environment, but that it is not the same with women. "It may be that these studies are less valued in a woman than in a man because of the biases" , Tarin explains. The study also notes that men leave the digital sector less than women.
The main abandonment band occurs between 30 and 44 years. A period considered key for motherhood and professional development. "The digital sector promised flexibility, good hours, higher salaries ... But there is something that continues to cause women to leave the workplace at the key moment," denounces this expert.
Problems and solutions
In Tar�n's opinion, the main problems of this lack of female presence in the digital world are stereotypes, culture, structural problems and personal implications. Therefore, it considers that the "visibility of the 'role models' (example women) and the 'mentoring' (counseling) are some of the solutions�.
In addition, the media is called on as key actors to give greater visibility to women in this field. Also to education, especially the one that develops before ten years.
An analysis that coincides with the European Commissioner who, in the words of Lorena Boix, has been "very worried" after reading the report. This responsible also ensures that "everything has been tried to convince that women are needed". �First for the obvious: we are at least half of the population . Also knowing that, the more diversity there is in the companies, the more creativity and innovation.
And also claiming the studies that confirm that with women in companies there is more productivity, "he explains. In order to achieve the objectives, the members of this committee have been forced to decline their participation in those events in which there is no female representation, especially among the speakers. "These types of measures work," says Boix.
In addition, the Commissioner wants to take advantage of all the activities of the European Commission to strengthen the role of women in the digital sector. Thus, for example, in the 'Digital Champions' there is a prize to recognize good practices for women to study careers related to the technological world. Or in 'Code Week' (programming week), where 50% of the participants have been girls.
Boix remarked on the presentation in Madrid of the report that will also measure how these actions evolve and the presence of women in the digital sector. "European statistics on innovation and technology will not only measure the scope of broadband, but also the presence of women. And we will set targets, "he advances.
In the directive to be prepared to regulate audiovisual media, there is also a specific article that prohibits sexism in advertising. "All European regulators (ERGA) have been asked to evaluate through reports and explain what is done in each country and the results obtained," says Boix, saying that they will share the good practices that other countries have achieved in the past. better representation of women in the media. "The presence of women has to be at all levels, not just in front of the camera," he concludes.